Lent at GSUMC

What is Lent?

The early Christians observed the days of Christ’s passion and resurrection. Later, it would become the Church’s custom to observe a time of spiritual preparation. Just as Advent prepares us for the birth of our Savior, it is Lent that prepares us for Christ’s death and resurrection. Lent is a time of reflection, prayer, fasting, and repentance.

Coins for Lent.

This year for lent we are taking up coins for lent. Each day for the 40 days of lent we will collect coins for various items that we can find in our household. Each day will be a different item and you will collect a coin for every item you have for that day’s item.

For example, if we are collecting coins for every pair of shoes in our household, you would put aside a coin for every pair of shoes that are in your household. The coin can be any coin you have available. On Easter Sunday we will be gathering the coins that we have collected over lent and that total will be divided and will be donated to various local organizations. You can pick up a physical calendar at the church or click here for a digital calendar.

This year’s collection will be split between United Methodist Committe on Relief and the Sumner County Family Resource Center.

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday: Sunday March 24th, 8:45am and 11:00am in the Sanctuary

Maundy Thursday: March 28th, 6:30pm in the Chapel

Good Friday: March 29th, 6:30pm in the Sanctuary